You can create a free account by going to our registration page and creating a username and password. This will give you access to the room but not to the premium channels.
You can subscribe to the premium channels by purchasing one of our subscription plans on our product page or by creating a free account and purchasing in app.
You can update your avatar by logging into the chat room and clicking on your icon in the upper left corner. From there, click preferences and upload a new avatar.
You can update your username by logging into the chat room and clicking on your icon in the upper left corner. From there, click on preferences and edit your username.
You can cancel your subscription anytime by clicking on your avatar in the upper left corner of the chat room. Click on preferences and then billing. Click cancel subscription.
Mike does his morning calls at 8:30am and they will be uploaded to the chat room afterwards.
The chat room will be open from 8:00am to 5:00pm. You will still have access to the room after hours, you just won’t be able to communicate.
You can do this by clicking on the bell in the top right of the chat window. Make sure to disable it for each chat.